Meet Yasmine Defouni

Health and Wellness Coach

I help real people make real changes to find their health with a one-step at a time realistic approach.

I work hand-in-hand with you to make your nutrition needs understandable, approachable and optimal for you as well as identify the areas in your life you need most support with – physical, mental and emotional – to help you find the healthier, happiest, and most productive version of yourself.

Like you, I have a busy life of obligations to family and friends to stress from work deadlines, and keeping a home relatively tidy packed with the ‘right’ foods because I’m a ‘health coach!’.

Is it always that way?

Of course not!

There are days when I buy ready-made food and my favorite fruit and nut chocolate bar and happily down it. There are days where I skip my workouts and watch a movie instead. That is alright for me 20% of the time.

The remaining 80% of the time I take care of my health because if I don’t, I won’t be able to do all what I’d like to get done or enjoy the little things in life.
In the past and on the days (and sometimes weeks) that I slip, my cycle of drinking many cups of coffee, of sugar creeping back in or too may greasy foods, I get irritable, moody and unfocused. My digestion suffers. My energy goes down and if I don’t get myself back on track soon, I put on weight and generally feel off balance.

Because I experience that, I make sure to turn the building blocks of self-care – taking care of my health, making time for myself, meditating or enhancing my spirituality into habits. And consistency working on strengthening my ability to reframe life’s disappointments and adversities into opportunities – a key enhancer to my wellbeing and yours!

My health journey is about progress not perfection

In our work together, I show you how to develop the structure and routine to build your own framework of what health and wellbeing are to you so you maintain a diet that works for you, feel good about yourself, and purposefully move towards the direction you want to go.

I combine my knowledge from my degrees in Education, Psychology, Alternative Medicine, Nutrition and Health Coach training with my personal and professional experiences to deliver you a fully personalized approach to your nutrition and lifestyle.

We work hand-in-hand to make your nutrition needs understandable, approachable and optimal for you as well as identify the areas in your life you need most support with – physical, mental and emotional – to help you find the healthier, happiest, and most productive version of yourself.

Sound like the change you’ve been looking for?


Yasmine Defouni a big shout out and thank you to you. This 6-week program has been amazing and has helped me in ways you cannot imagine, there are many food plans and clean living options out there but like anything else in life it is always about the PERSON. Thank you to you! for your incredible amounts of patience, positivity, and flexibility. Your ability to organise things in a way not to overwhelm the person and help them be kinder to their body. The last 24 months I have gone through severe medical issues as you know and my daughter left home for her first year of college in the US. You have been incredible support and the program crystallised all those ideas. It helped me get my focus, my energy and my mojo! Thank you for reminding me “we are what we eat and how we choose to live
Soha G.

Our ONE-ON-ONE work

I provide personalized nutrition and lifestyle plans that work for you and your real life. I also conduct super market tours, at-home pantry clean-ups, online and in-person group coaching and workshops.

Let’s chat to find out if my programs are the right fit for you.